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Art Print

Size: 12*18 inches

Artist: Shada Almagri


The Uncertain Mind is part of a series of illustration artwork called "Chambers of People's Minds".


According to Andy Puddicombe, an uncertain mind is an open mind. It is a mind which is curious, interested, reflective and malleable. when we meet life with a genuine sense of uncertainity, we cease to project that which we think we know and instead begin to see life for what it really is. So, we are left with nothing but the experience of the presennt moment, the certainty of now. 


About the Series:

The Chambers of People's Minds is a series of illustration artwork that has been developed during the Covid-19  pandemic. The impact of quarantine on everyone's daily lives challenges them to reach a wide variety of different strategies to cope, which drew the artist's attention to the human mind and its adaptive capabilities. 


The mind refers to the aspects of intellect and consiousness manifested as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination. 


In this series of art, the human mind is illustrated as a spacce of different chambers; each has its specific character, form and identity. The chambers reflect the state of mind from the abalogy of thought, imagination and consiousness. 


The three states of minds illustrated are:  (all are available for purchase)

  1. The Empire State of Mind 
  2. The Ideal State of Mind
  3. The Uncertain Mind 


The Uncertain Mind

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